Writers Hideout

Have you ever tried to write a book or have you already done so?
There are thousands of us, tapping away at our keyboards trying to write the book that we carry around with us in our heads. I work in publishing, and I've come to realise just how difficult and soul destroying it is to try and get published as an unknown author and I've decided on a personal level, that when my book is finished, I'm going it alone.

I've always shied away from the idea of 'vanity publishing' but with Amazon's digital publishing model I think that the realm of fiction at least has finally been set free.

Instead of multitudes of novels falling at the first hurdle and never making it past initial screening, how about a world where the people who make or break a novel are it's readers? Why should publishing companies have the say on what people can read, when there are so many different tastes and interests out there?

The publishing part is easy, especially via kindle but so many novels I've read (free and under £1) have not been properly edited.

I know that traditional publishing services cost a fortune and are beyond the means of most aspiring self publishers so I'm planning to start an editorial service this summer that offers set price services.

If your profits in your first year are paltry, any investment in your work can seem fruitless, but avoid those bad reviews of your spelling and grammar and let your story shine.

I'm offering a 'once through' service - i.e. I will read your work through once, correcting as many errors as I can - for a set fee. This will normally be under £50  depending on the size of your work.

This will not give you the perfectly edited book, but it will make sure that any obvious errors are corrected before publication.

I can also offer a by the hour service for more comprehensive read through if you were planning on submitting your work to a publisher or if you have college / university level work that you want read through.

Please be aware that I work in British English.

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